Tag Archives: Religion

Why Reading About the Rapture Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth

Intrigues that this study was done only on “self-described Christians”. Given the title of the article I’m citing, I’d have expected atheists to be tested as well and why not other religions? Interesting, though. Guess I’ll have to go off and seek out similar studies.

In a recent experiment, 82 undergrads, all self-described Christians, filed in for a test that researchers billed as a handwriting personality assessment.

First, though, the test-takers were offered a drink, a very diluted lemon-flavored glass of water, and asked to rate its sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and disgusting-ness. Then, they were asked to copy a short passage from either the Bible, The God Delusion, the Quran, or the dictionary. Finally, they were given another drink, which was supposedly different (but actually the same exact flavor).

What’s remarkable is that the students found that second drink of lemony water tasted more disgusting after reading about Islam or atheism, according to Miller-McCune’s Tom Jacobs report on the paper “Gross Gods and Icky Atheism,” suggesting a link between moral taste and our literal taste taste.

It is the latest intriguing development in the controversial psychological research into moral emotions—the drivers that help explain why we think in vitro meat is disgusting, why Americans don’t tend to eat fermented seafood (and Chinese don’t tend to eat fermented milk), and why people don’t eat fudge when it looks like feces. It turns out there’s a link between our moral disgust and literal disgusts. And in many cases, our early food choices have been the cause.

More at good.is

Making Space: An Exploration in the Creation-Use Ritual Space #spirituality #coaching #wisdom2conf

I thought I’d share this with my coaching colleagues and my Wisdom 2.0 friends. I know it probably seems like I’ve forgotten you but I haven’t. Just exploring other aspects of my life – quite happily, at that. Emily Otto (one of the instructors) is a friend of a friend and he asked that it passed along.

Making Space utilizes a variety of natural and built, public and religious spaces in the vicinity of Ghost Ranch to address key concepts for the creation of space for worship. The workshop will feature daily excursions to sacred spaces, classroom discussions of critical issues, hands-on activities including creation of ritual objects and practical tools to design worship space, and a final worship service incorporating learnings from the week. Sites visited will include El Sanctuario de Chimayó, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, Dar Al Islam Mosque and Madressa, the Santa Fe plaza, and the environs of Ghost Ranch.

Click through to ghostranch.org for instructor bios and registration details

Beauty, Language, and the King James Bible — Spirituality — Utne Reader


Regardless of your creed or convictions (or lack thereof), it’s hard to deny that the King James translation of the Bible is an epic tome of efficient diction, unforgettable narratives, and beautifully wrought poetry. The translation—arguably the most widely read text in the English language—celebrates its 400th birthday this year and deserves praise for its enduring allure and literary relevancy.

Ann Wroe of More Intelligent Life recently lauded the elegant language of the King James Bible in a passionate piece of personal essay and approachable scholarship. First, she describes her initial interaction with the KJV, a chance reading at St. John’s College Chapel. “The effect was extraordinary” remembers Wroe, “as if I had suddenly found, in the house of language I had loved and explored all my life, a hidden central chamber whose pillars and vaulting, rhythm and strength had given shape to everything around them.” And when you open its pages, she continues, “

Continue reading at utne.com

We Are All Stardust « Kimberly Woodbury | This I Believe

Kimberly Woodbury

In the deepest reaches of the cosmos, scientists have found sound waves they think came from the Big Bang. Episcopal priest and science teacher Kimberly Woodbury believes those waves are a siren call connecting all of us to the mysteries of the universe.

Listen to the podcast at thisibelieve.org